Great has always been in reach
In 2018, I attended a seminar about how to take your life to the next level; how to live at your greatest. I used to cringe at the word ‘great’. A deep sense of discomfort would wash over me, flooding my head with the belief that ‘great’ would never be within reach… at least not for me. I had been conditioned to be satisfied with the good. I desired greatness but didn’t believe it was ever meant for me. And it appears, I wasn’t alone in this belief.
But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if you could tap into greatness, in all areas of your life, if you simply disempowered your limiting beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are thoughts and convictions that we have, both consciously and unconsciously, about what something means or what the outcome will be if something were to happen. These beliefs aren't based on truths or facts, they are simply beliefs which we feed (by finding false correlations between situations) to validate our world view.
For example, I used to struggle with self-doubt, especially in the workplace. I would sit in meetings alongside executives and listen to them advise on a direction that I intuitively knew was wrong. Rather than challenge the conversation or decisions, I would surrender to my inner critic - a voice that said, "Be quiet, you have no idea what you're saying. You’re not smart enough." I would allow this Gremlin of mine to convince me that I was an imposter, having not earned the seat I was in and to keep my mouth shut before they all discovered the truth. While those who had the courage to ask the questions were rewarded for their insight and out of the box thinking, I slouched deeper into my chair believing even more that I added no value. The leaders in the room must think I'm useless, therefore I am.
On and on went the cycle.
I shied away from debates, silenced myself during career-making opportunities and intentionally blocked my potential to grow. I allowed myself to become the effect of these “okay” situations rather than the cause of great ones.
This new year I challenge you to think about a goal you've had for a long time. Maybe it's to run a marathon or move up the corporate ladder or start your own business. Now, take a piece of paper and jot down all the reasons you feel you have yet to achieve it. Look deeply inward and try to draw on at least one negative belief that you have that's blocking your progress. What story are you telling yourself? What feelings are coming up?
What has this narrative cost you? Are you ready to let it go? Are you ready to achieve goals? It starts with you, intentionally changing your inner dialogue and having a profound understanding that these beliefs are not truths. Don't empower them.
Be the cause not the effect this new year.